Student Data Privacy
Vendor/Product | Notice of Execution | Purpose / Use |
Type of Data Used |
Alexandria | Agreement | Library Management and Database |
Student Name, barcode, email |
Amplify | Agreement | Assessment Tool / DIBELS |
student name, ID, homeroom, scores |
Bookshare | Agreement | Reading Tool / eBook Library for students with reading barriers |
student username |
Centervention | Agreement | Online tools / Behavioral, Social, Emotional Skills | name, login info |
ClassFlow / Promethian | Agreement | Online Application / Interactive Lessons |
name, student sign on | | Agreement | Instructional / Online Reading Program |
name, email address, username, password, or assessment results |
CORAdvantage | Agreement |
Assessment Tool / PreK |
CrickSoftware / Clicker Docs | Agreement | Online Application / Writing Support Tools |
student name, login, documents |
Dattco | Agreement | Transportation Management |
Student name, demographic info, emergency contacts |
Defined Learning | Agreement | Project Based Learning Platform | |
Discovery Education | Agreement | Educational Resource | student sign on |
Dreambox | Agreement | Online Learning Platform / Math |
student demographics / scores |
e~Funds | Agreement | Online Application / online payments |
name, lunchID, demographics |
EdReflect | Agreement | Educator Evaluation System |
Name / Student Work |
EPIC! For Educators | Agreement | Digital Library |
student login info |
EPS Operations (SPIRE STAR) | Agreement | Online Program /Literacy Program | student login info |
Explain Everything | Agreement | Instructional Tools / App |
Pictures, Student Work |
Flipgrid | Agreement | Online Application / Video Recording | student work |
Fluency & Fitness | Agreement | Digital Resource/combines literacy, math, movement | student sign on |
ForAll Systems | Agreement | Assessment Tool / Rubric Creation Tool |
student name, class information, assessment scores |
Freckle Education | Agreement | Instructional Tool / Online Learning Site |
username, practice scores |
Frontline Education | Agreement | Individualized Education Plans for students with specific needs |
Directory Information; special needs identification and services |
Glogster | Agreement | Instructional / Interactive Technology |
UserID, Student Work |
Google for Education | Agreement | Operating System / Productivity & File storage platform |
First Name, Last Name, Username, Class information, student generated content |
Heartland Payment Systems Heinemann |
Online Nutrition Program Listening to Learn |
student lunch info name |
Imagine Learning (formally LearnZillion) | Agreement | Instructional / Math Program |
name, ID grade, assessment scores |
Kami | Agreement | Online Tool / Digital Tools, Annotation | username |
Khan Academy | Agreement |
Online Tool / Student standards-aligned practice tool |
Learn 21 Learning A-Z / Reading A-Z |
Chromebook Tracking Tool Instructional / Literacy |
Student data storage, maintenance Name, UserID |
Legends of Learning | Agreement | Online Application/curriculum-based games |
name, email, login info |
LexiaCore5 | Agreement | Instructional Tools / Literacy |
Name, UserID, Class Info |
Literably | Agreement | Instructional / Literacy / Reading Assessment |
Name, StudentID |
Little Fox Portraits | Agreement | Student Photos |
student name, ID, images |
Mackinvia | Agreement | Management System / eBooks | Name, UserID |
Math Playground | Agreement | Instructional Tool / Online Learning Site | grade level |
Newsela | Agreement | Instructional Tool / content area learning |
login / student work |
NinGenius | Agreement | Instructional Tool / Music App | name / userID |
NoRedInk | Agreement | Instructional Tool / Grammar & Writing |
name / student work |
Noteflight | Agreement | Online Tools / Music | username |
NWEA Map Growth | Agreement | Instructional / Assessment Tool |
student name, class information, assessment scores |
Padlet | Agreement | Online Resource/posting, sorting board | name, email |
PearDeck | Agreement | Instructional / Remote Learning | name |
Pearson - Q-Global & BASC-3 | Agreement | Online Assessment Tool | name, scores |
Pearson - Review360 | Agreement | Online Assessment / social, emotional, behavioral health |
student info, login |
Pearson / OLSAT8 | Agreement | Instructional / Assessment Tool |
student name, ID, gender, grade, DOB |
Pearson / Realize | Agreement | Instructional / Math Program |
name, ID, grade, assessment scores |
PowerSchool | Agreement | Management System / Student Information System |
All student information |
Quill | Agreement | Online Tool / Literacy Writing & Grammer | name, student work |
ReadTheory | Agreement | Instructional Tool / Online Learning Site / Reading Comprehension |
name, username, email, student progress |
ReadWorks | Agreement | Instructional Tools/Reading comprehension | name, email |
Renaissance Learning | Agreement | Universal screener/Math & ELA | name, login |
Riverside Insights | Agreement | Online Assessments/WJSoring |
student demographics/assessment data |
Scholastic, Inc | Agreement | Literacy Instruction/Digital Programs | name/login info |
SchoolMessenger | Agreement | Management System / Electronic Notifications |
student information, parent contact information |
Screencastify | Agreement | Online Tool/Screencasting | recordings |
Securly | Agreement | Cloud-based Web / Content Filtering |
student name, email |
SeeSaw | Agreement | Instructional Tool / Learning Journal |
student Name, username |
Signup | Agreement | Online Application / Parent Conference Signup | end user entry |
Spelling City | Agreement | Instructional / Literacy |
Name, UserID, Class Info |
SplashLearn | Agreement | Instructional Tool / Online Learning Site |
name, login info, progress |
SQUARE1ART | Agreement | Online Application / Art |
first name, art piece |
StudentTreasures Publishing | Agreement | Classroom Book Publishing | student work |
TextHelp (Read&Write) | Agreement | Literacy support tool |
name, log on info |
Tynker | Agreement | Online Application / Coding Activities |
name, username, student-generated content |
TypingClub | Agreement | Instructional Tools / Keyboarding |
student name, ID | | Agreement | Instructional / Online interactive Lessons |
Name, login, student work |
XtraMath | Agreement | Instructional Tool / Online Learning Site |
Name, username, student progress |