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Student Services

Student Servies

Child Find

In accordance with federal regulations, New Hartford Public Schools and Region 7 assumes responsibility for the location, identification, and evaluation of all New Hartford children from birth through age 21 who require special education and related services.  All children who are suspected of having a disability and who are in need of special education are part of the Child Find process in the New Hartford Public Schools' district.  This includes students who are advancing from grade to grade; enrolled in private elementary or private secondary schools, including religious schools, and highly mobile, such as migrant and homeless children.  Parents and/or caregivers who suspect their child may have a disability should contact their child’s teacher about their concerns.  Any additional questions regarding this process can be directed to the school principals or the director of student services.

The Department of Student Services supports all learners.  All of our students are general education students first.  As a multidisciplinary team, we work collaboratively to provide specially designed instruction and related services that will meet each student's unique needs.


Service Delivery


Special Education is a service, not a placement.  These services may include direct academic instruction, counseling, nursing, speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, behavioral consultation, autism consultation, assistive technology consultation, and transportation.  Services such as nursing are available to all students.  Students with special educational needs may be recommended to either receive services under an IEP or a Section 504 plan.  These decisions are made with the collaboration of parents and professional educators through the Planning and Placement Team (PPT).  New Hartford is committed to excellence for all learners- and the ability to access the curriculum is a primary goal.


We invite you to contact us with any questions or comments.

Michael Lynch

Kellyann Linn-Snowdon

Director of Student Services     Administrative Assistant
(860) 379-1653 (860) 379-1653